Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Busy working on the new house

So I have been posting regularly on my house blog since that is what we have been doing lately.

I did take Friday morning off and took Tyler and Jessie to the zoo to see the new snow leapord cub.

Yesterday, I spent catching up on things at Mark and Janes like mowing, cleaning and laundry. I even weeded our small garden some to keep it in control. The big garden has been abandoned as far as weeds. We will see if anything comes out of it.

Last night Ben and I discovered that the horse had been traped for a couple days in the pasture. He had went through the electric fence of one pasture into the lane between the two pastures (we think a deer took a part out but it was dark and we couldn't tell) and then couldnt figure out how to get back across. Poor guy has been stuck and I just thought he was being stubbor and didn't want to come see me. So we gave him food and water last night and I spent time feeding and brushing him this morning.

I feel I realy let the ball drop on this one. We have just been so busy with the house I would just drive by and make sure he wasn't lame and check his water.

we well have to do a better job. Oh, he also lost a shoe so I have to get the ferrier to come out as well.

So that is what has been going on.

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