Thursday, March 13, 2008

Long time no type

Hi all,

I realize it has been a while so I figured I should post and give you an update.

I am still working part time at KBS and have been reduced to a max of 20 hr per week and that doesn't pay the bills. I have applied for 2 other positions here at KBS (can't beat the location) and am praying if this is God's path for me or not. I sometimes feel that I am supposed to be spending time with Tyler rather than at work but then I think I need to provide for my family too. Our church Sermon story this last week certainly made me think twice about the jobs. It was about a baby struggling in an incubator (Tyler was in one for a while) and how her Big brother sang "You are my sunshine to her" (I sang this to Tyler) and she got stronger and was able to survive. It reminded me what a gift I had received that Tyler and I both survived without any further medical issues was such an amazing gift. I had made promises to myself and maybe even to God that I would spend as much time as possible with Tyler and cherish the gift always. So am I breaking a promise to God by going back to work Full time? You see my dilemma.. I continue to pray and I know I will make the right choice no matter how hard that is if I am offered the job. Sometimes the wrong choice is the right one for that moment in time because we are meant to learn from it so I am trusting that I will be following Gods Will with prayer.

Ben's law business doing better and better every month but it isn't happening fast enough to quell our financial need with me working less. He is moving his office across the courtyard to save money and have a better usable space and we are hoping that will help some.

We desperately want to have our own place to be a family but job choices and opportunities will be the deciding factor. We keep looking just in case. About the time I find one I like it sells since we are not ready to buy yet. It sucks!

I am struggling with weight loss. I have started exercising regularly and I am trying to watch what I eat. This week I am keeping my cals under 2000. I think I will have to lower that next week to around 1800 since I am not loosing anything.

Tyler is doing great. He is so smart and loves computer games. We are trying to work on letter and number recognition now in preparation for math and reading. If I do go back to work full time we are hoping to get him in preschool so he can keep learning. Potty training is going well but he has backslid a little in the poopoo area lately. He tells me as he is going or just after.

The fact that we would like to adopt another child has put even more financial pressure on me. If we are struggling just living how will we ever save up the money to adopt. Man it is so much easier and cheaper to have kids naturally. Believe it or not it is the financial cost of adoption that makes me continue to dream about being able to give birth again some day. No use dreaming, It ain't gonna happen.

Well, that is the best update I can give you.

God Bless.