Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Busy working on the new house

So I have been posting regularly on my house blog since that is what we have been doing lately.

I did take Friday morning off and took Tyler and Jessie to the zoo to see the new snow leapord cub.

Yesterday, I spent catching up on things at Mark and Janes like mowing, cleaning and laundry. I even weeded our small garden some to keep it in control. The big garden has been abandoned as far as weeds. We will see if anything comes out of it.

Last night Ben and I discovered that the horse had been traped for a couple days in the pasture. He had went through the electric fence of one pasture into the lane between the two pastures (we think a deer took a part out but it was dark and we couldn't tell) and then couldnt figure out how to get back across. Poor guy has been stuck and I just thought he was being stubbor and didn't want to come see me. So we gave him food and water last night and I spent time feeding and brushing him this morning.

I feel I realy let the ball drop on this one. We have just been so busy with the house I would just drive by and make sure he wasn't lame and check his water.

we well have to do a better job. Oh, he also lost a shoe so I have to get the ferrier to come out as well.

So that is what has been going on.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A few stops on the way home Sunday July 6

On the way back down to the bridge we stopped at one of my childhood favorites, Castle Rock.

Here is a pick of Ben, Tyler and I with Paul and Babe.

Then we climbed up the rock (stairs).

Here are the guys resting half way up.

Tyler walked all the way up and back down by himself.

At the top Tyler and Ben enjoy the view.

Ron takes this picture of Me, mom, dad, Tyler and Ben.

Tyler picked out this head dress and drum from the shop.

South of the bridge we stopped at a shop called sea shell city and Tyler played on the pirate ship outside.

From here we kept on the road untill Alma where we stopped for dinner and checked out our old appartment (hadn't changed a bit).

It was a long weekend by the time we got home.

Saturday July 5th, Zoo and riding.

We started the next day with breakfast at Janies and then headed out to the zoo on Hwy 2. The guys took motorcycles, mom rode with dad, Ladonna rode with grandpa and Tyler and I followed in the car.

Here we stoped at a little shop/motel called Hog Heaven.

Next we came to the zoo.

The baby ringtail lemur was something new for me.

We stopped at a bar so Tyler could pose with this bear.

Grandpa took us to this woodsy rest area and Ron posed for a shot.

When we arrived back at pickford for fish we took this family shot with the Harley Heritage Softail that Ben had borrowed from Bob for the weekend.

Later we had a fire at the cabin and Tyler used up the rest of his sparklers.

4th of July Festivities

We went with mom, dad and ron up to the U.P. for the 4th of July, where my grandpa Ron and Ladonna are. We stayed with a family friend Janie and had a great time.

The boys drove motorcycles and mom and I followed with Tyler in our Honda.

We went to a pancake breakfast at the firebarn in Cedarville and then went to get supplies in the Sue.

The we met grandpa and Ladonna for the parade.

Tyler got a lot of candy and beads. He also had his face painted.

Later we went to St Ignace for dinner and then went to the fireworks.

After the fireworks we had a bon-fire at Janies and Tyler got to play with a few sparklers.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Jubilee Sunday at Church June 22

Every Year we have a church celebration and invite the community and we call it Jubilee.

This year the sermon was held outside under a tent and the food was good as usual.

Tyler really enjoyed the bounce house.

and the games.

He even took time to ride the horse with Ruby.

But the biggest smile came after aunt Cori had Tyler dunk daddy.

She got her dunking later.

Praise God for the outreach we accomplished this day and the fun had by all.

After a nap we went back out fishing and Tyler caught his first fish.

Family Fishing Friday June 20

Last Friday we had the opportunity to go fishing with Mark and Jane while they were home visiting. Cori and Jessie went with us too. The lake was nice and we took home 20 pan fish to clean and freeze.

Jane and I pose for a pic on the boat.

Tyler and Jessie riding out to go fishing.

Here Jessie has caught her first fish of the evening and Mark is proud of her.

Ben wasn't very proud of this catch but.....

then he caught this Bass that he threw back since she was getting ready to spawn.

We had a lot of fun.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Memorial Weekend Fun!

Memorial Day weekend was started with a water mess and some deep holes: We spent Saturday preparing our house for inspections: turning the water back on and digging up 3 of the 4 dry wells that were all over 3 ft deep and 2-3 ft wide. Happily we got it done and then Ben just had to dig up 1 more dry well last weekend to prepare for the inspector. Which by the way passed all inspections and we are waiting on the water test.

Sunday we finished planting our 3 gardens and rested ther rest of the day and Cori and Jessie came over and the kids played ouside.

Monday we had breakfast with my parents and then went to prarieville for the parade. Tyler rode in the churches train and Ben walked along. Afterward we went and put flowers at both of my grandmas graves and Tyler wanted to participate this time which was nice to see.

Finally we had hamburgers on the grill and Jessie and Tyler played on Tylers new slip and slide. I got some great pics of this and will post.

I also started trying to trot and gallop Sam (the horse) I need a lot of practice with this but I am learning and he has been patient.

It was a great weekend. Hope all of yours was good too.

Detroit Zoo

Tyler and I went to the Detroit Zoo a week or so ago and I thought I would share my thoughts.

First of all: Long Drive, over 2hrs one way with a 3 year old makes a long trip.

It was a typical city zoo with lots of pavement and urban feeling.

Tyler and I enjoyed their Rhino display and Tyler has been pretending to be a Rhino since with his finger as a horn on his nose. In fact daddy had to brush his horn that night along with his teeth. It would have been cool to see the Hippo but it was hiding where we couldnt see it very well.

The reptile house was very cool with lots of critters including some large alligators that Tyler liked.

The best thing at this zoo is there polar bear exhibit. At fist Tyler and I wandered around the outside of the exhibit frustrated that we couldnt see anything but then we went inside and they have an underwater tunnel and there the bear was swimming summer saults in the water feet from us separated only by glass. I will try to post a pic.

Anyway, I would like to go back but I want another adult with me next time to share the drive and assist in the ever encouraging "come on tyler".. "speed up tyler".... "stop climbing on that tyler" I think you get it. I was exhasted by the time I got home.

Another note before I leave you.... it cost $5 to park for the zoo and the food was reasonable and good.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Herberts move to Herbert Rd

So we are now located on Herbert rd aka Mark and Janes. Ben, Tyler and I will be gardening, horse sitting and watching the house all summer while the inlaws are away. We moved Tylers bed and a few of our clothes saturday, the cat came sunday and hopefully the rest of the critters (dog, turtle, fish and rat) will follow this weekend. I will have to start taking pics and posting them from "our" house. Also, Tyler is turning 3 soon, it is hard to believe, so I will post for that too.

I will post again soon.
yay summer is here and I can have a life again.
watch out I will post like crazy.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Long time no type

Hi all,

I realize it has been a while so I figured I should post and give you an update.

I am still working part time at KBS and have been reduced to a max of 20 hr per week and that doesn't pay the bills. I have applied for 2 other positions here at KBS (can't beat the location) and am praying if this is God's path for me or not. I sometimes feel that I am supposed to be spending time with Tyler rather than at work but then I think I need to provide for my family too. Our church Sermon story this last week certainly made me think twice about the jobs. It was about a baby struggling in an incubator (Tyler was in one for a while) and how her Big brother sang "You are my sunshine to her" (I sang this to Tyler) and she got stronger and was able to survive. It reminded me what a gift I had received that Tyler and I both survived without any further medical issues was such an amazing gift. I had made promises to myself and maybe even to God that I would spend as much time as possible with Tyler and cherish the gift always. So am I breaking a promise to God by going back to work Full time? You see my dilemma.. I continue to pray and I know I will make the right choice no matter how hard that is if I am offered the job. Sometimes the wrong choice is the right one for that moment in time because we are meant to learn from it so I am trusting that I will be following Gods Will with prayer.

Ben's law business doing better and better every month but it isn't happening fast enough to quell our financial need with me working less. He is moving his office across the courtyard to save money and have a better usable space and we are hoping that will help some.

We desperately want to have our own place to be a family but job choices and opportunities will be the deciding factor. We keep looking just in case. About the time I find one I like it sells since we are not ready to buy yet. It sucks!

I am struggling with weight loss. I have started exercising regularly and I am trying to watch what I eat. This week I am keeping my cals under 2000. I think I will have to lower that next week to around 1800 since I am not loosing anything.

Tyler is doing great. He is so smart and loves computer games. We are trying to work on letter and number recognition now in preparation for math and reading. If I do go back to work full time we are hoping to get him in preschool so he can keep learning. Potty training is going well but he has backslid a little in the poopoo area lately. He tells me as he is going or just after.

The fact that we would like to adopt another child has put even more financial pressure on me. If we are struggling just living how will we ever save up the money to adopt. Man it is so much easier and cheaper to have kids naturally. Believe it or not it is the financial cost of adoption that makes me continue to dream about being able to give birth again some day. No use dreaming, It ain't gonna happen.

Well, that is the best update I can give you.

God Bless.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Happy Groundhogs day!

Yay! The day when we get to start looking forward to spring. Ether way its 6 more week. 6 weeks till spring or 6 weeks left of winter and ummm what comes after winter......oh yeah SPRING.

I don't know about all of you but I am definatly looking forward to spring. I love green, green grass, green leaves, green becomes my favorite color this time of year. Well, so maybe it is always my favorite color. It represents life and a healthy world to me, not to mention I look good in green.

God is about to renew life and I just cant wait. I know we have to go through this blah stage for the health of our ecosystem and in order for people like me to get a renewed appreciation for the beauty of green. Heck a few months ago white seemed so pretty. I like black and white for photographs better though. How about you?

Today is also my moms birthday so Happy Birthday Mom! 29 years old again, I must be your sister then, not your daughter at 26. It wont be long and people will think we are twins (we will both be 29 for the rest of our lives) hehe.

Okay so I don't really have much more to say except GO SPARTANS!!
I told ya, I love green. :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

2007 Photo Review: Double Click collage to view

Happy Holidays Over!

So the holidays are over. woo hoo! Yes I know that I should have been happy they were coming and then here but I am more happy they are over. Time to get back to normal.

The holidays went well for us. I was so worried about money that I didn't buy any big items but found that Tyler had way to many small gifts by the time I was done. I bet he opened over 20 gifts on Christmas from us and his grandparents. Oh well, he really enjoyed himself.

New Years like every year was just a blah day off. Don't get me wrong I didn't want to go to work but after being off for Christmas you run out of things to do around the house and you just want to do something anything. I tend to get a little cabin fever now and then.

Update on dealing with living with the parents: Ben and I made a decision to start paying rent whether they like it or not. We are starting small because of course we are also trying to save up to get out of there altogether. I talked to my dad and he is going to help get my mom on board. Ben and I figure if they wont accept the money we will give it to them in gift certificates to Lowe's as they are trying to do some updating around the house and what are Ben and I going to use money for Lowe's for when we don't have a house.

Also we have started giving 10% of our normal income in tithes. It was a big step for me because I feel like every dollar I can save toward getting us out of our situation is worth holding on to but I know that I cannot rely on myself to get me through and this is one way of practicing my faith in God. Trusting that there will somehow be enough money for it all is helping me to trust God in other situations in my life. And guess what, we had no trouble paying our tithes and buying (granted cheaper) gifts for Christmas.

God has really blessed us lately with work for Ben and I pray that we will do what is best with that privilege he has given us.

God bless you all as he has seen fit to bless me with a wonderful family and friends, a job and all of my needs taken care of.

Please continue to pray for us as with self employment you never know if things will continue to be good or if a slump is around the corner.